GOD is on the scene!!!
Dear AMOS buddies,
I am heading out of the door but I just had to post this. My daughter and I both have had this surgery. We lost 230 something pounds total. Then my son married and the girl was big like me. She wanted this surgery so much. WELL, she got a job with the bestest of ins. I called for her and they have no exc. She got an appt. NEXT week with the surgeon. Also, with the surgeon that I had. He is like the best in Mobile. It is IMPOSSIBLE to get in with him for months and she got in next week. God
is on the scene don't you think. She has called everyone she knows to tell them. I am so proud of my son for marrying her when she was big. He will now have a thin wife, sister and mother. He loved us big and we know he will love us thin. Please say a prayer for Pennie Dodge. We need for the surgery preparations to go quickly because of all the "things" involved that we all know about. Please pray for me because I am trying to appeal a denied tt and belt lipectomy. See you all. The DH wants to leave.
Gena gg

GOD is awesome, isn't HE!! Wow, that is so great that she could get in so quick. One of my best buddies works for the surgeon I am seeing and she couldn't even wiggle me in early. Now, I am just anxiously awaiting my surgery date. I am so excited.
I will pray about approval for the tummy tuck.
In His love,