1st time- wow! This is great! Warning! I can not type or spell!!!!
I'm in the boonedocks down here and about to be exposed to the world with the G-8 summit. Don't let it fool you on TV. Glynn Co. isn't as "sofisticated" as they would like to seem. BUT it is beautiful. We have one thing here that could end almost any war if we could ship it out; the sand nat. I am sure thatat least one of the world leaders will wonder how we put up with them... we do too. I guess they wandered over from the plagues. It amazes me to watch Gods will unfold in front of my eyes and most people have no clue. AND don't want to listen. I am still working on my surgery info and Dr and insurance and stuff feel free to give me in put. Thanks Sally/Or finally-got-it-rite