WOW! This is my first po...
WOW! This is my first post ever. I have been lurking for some time now and have found much inspiration here in this forum. It's time for me to first say thankyou. You've helped me to see more clearly how my upcoming wls is such a blessing.
I struggled for quite a while, feeling very selfish for wanting wls. Now, I realize that it would be selfish not to do it. It would be selfish to allow myself to get bigger and bigger and to become a burden on my family. I want to be active and independent. I want to be a good example to my children. I have now began looking at wls surgery as one of the bravest things I will ever have done. I look at it as a gift of myself to myself, my husband, my children, and my God.
I have prayed and feel led to be where I am today. I prayed in desperation many times for many years and always knew that things would get much worse before they got better. Now is the time for me. This is God's plan. My surgery will be this Monday at 1:30. I ask that you all pray for me and I will continue praying for all of you. I have a wonderful relationship with Our Lord Jesus Christ and trust that He will continue to care for us just as He has promised.
God Bless All of You,
you said it for me in your post; I keep hear those voices from satan- if I was strong enuff- If I was a better Christian I wouldn't need it, etc. Anyone else hear those? I rebuke them all the time. And pick up His(my ) cross daily,crucify my flesh and start again. I know that God made Doctors and our bodies are imperfect from the fall. Its not that I haven't tried. Thanks, Cindy Blessings on your surgery. Sally