My Buddy Passed on..Thanks for your prayers

on 5/5/04 1:59 pm - Adirondack's, NY
Thank you amos for your prayers for our friend Harvey. He passed away today at 6:15 p.m. He had a really hard life. Harvey struggled with congestive heart and multipal organ failure. I pray that he went to be with the Lord. He will be dearly missed! God Bless ~Pam
Glenn S
on 5/5/04 10:01 pm - Pecatonica, IL
I'm sorry, Pam. Harvey was on my mind often these last days. I kept him in my prayers. The Lord loved him.
on 5/6/04 10:53 am - Adirondack's, NY
Thanks Glenn! He went peacefully after they stopped the b/p meds. Because they were unable to close his wound, he developed a fatal infection. He never awoke from the second surgery , but it was better that way. We had a feeling he wouldn't make it home this time, so we said everything we wanted too. Something weird though, I had a very vivid dream the morning of his death. He came to the house and was doing my dishes (private joke, lol). I told him thanks and hugged him, and I actually FELT the hug!! It must have been his way of saying goodbye! I will never forget it, or him! Thanks again for your prayers! God Bless ~~ Pam
Glenn S
on 5/6/04 11:04 am - Pecatonica, IL
that is one powerful dream, Pam. I sure this means more to you than we can imagine. It brings a tear to my eyes.
on 5/6/04 3:06 pm - Edmonds, WA
I am so sorry for your loss, Pamela. There's not much I know to say except I feel with you as much as I can, I pray for you and any family and close friends who are also suffering and sad. It was a privilege to pray along side of you for your friend. The dream was a gift, for sure. God bless and keep you. Rest in Him and His goodness. He grieves with us, I believe. Even tho Jesus knew intimately of the resurrection awaiting Lazarus, He wept. He is a *GOOD* God. He IS love and He cares deeply for Harvey and all who miss him! Blessings,
Shrinking W.
on 5/8/04 11:30 pm - Swedesboro, NJ
Pamela, Sending my prayers for your loss and for Harvey.
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