"Who can find a virtuous woman?"

(deactivated member)
on 4/29/04 11:21 pm - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
The Proverb 31 Woman "Who can find a virtuous woman?" (Proverbs 31:10) Sermons from Proverbs 31:10-29 are normally preached at Women's Day Celebrations. I have never used this passage for a Women's Day sermon. I would however use it for a Men's Day sermon. Proverbs 31 was written for a man. King Lemuel's mother taught him how to find the ideal wife. She asked him, "Who can find a virtuous woman?" Then she gave him a composite portrait of the ideal woman found in Proverbs 31:10-29. One might wonder why the list does not include the woman serving God as Number 1 as it was in the list for the "Mighty Men of Valor" that was submitted yesterday. The reason is that in the original Hebrew, this closing section of the book of Proverbs is written in the form of an acrostic, each verse begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet in its proper order. If Lemuel would take his mother's advice, he would find a virtuous woman based on her worth, works, witnesses, wisdom and worship. HER WORTH 1. A virtuous woman is one who is capable, diligent, worthy and good. She is worth more than costly jewels. 2. A virtuous woman's husband has full confidence in her. She is honest with respect for her husband. Her finest efforts are put forth to help him; she never fails to cooperate. 3. A virtuous woman surpasses all other women. HER WORKS 4. A virtuous woman is a homemaker always looking for wool and flax and enjoys converting them into cloth. She is a good shopper who knows the best bargains. 5. A virtuous woman does not procrastinate. She arises before daybreak to prepare food for her household. She is a great administrator because she gives her maidservants not only their breakfast but their work assignment for the day. [One might wonder why the wife arises early to give the maidservants breakfast. Perhaps that's why she is called a "Virtuous Woman"]. She works late into the dark to complete all her tasks before going to bed. 6. A virtuous woman knows how to handle money, and she does not hesitate to invest it in fields to plant vineyards. 7. A virtuous woman helps the needy. She unselfishly shares with those who are less fortunate. 8. A virtuous woman takes care of the house with full confidence that her husband has devoted himself to public affairs without worrying about conditions at home. HER WITNESSES 9. A virtuous woman looks after her family. Her children realize that she is an outstanding mother, and they tell her so. 10. A virtuous woman greatly enriches her husband's life. She will not hinder him. Her husband trusts her. He praises her as a God-given wife. In fact, he says, "There are many good wives in the world, but you excel them all." 11. A virtuous woman is publicly praised at the city gates. HER WISDOM 12. A virtuous woman's words of instruction are wise and kind. HER WORSHIP 13 . A virtuous woman is one who fears the Lord. Lemuel's mother asked her son, "Who can find a virtuous woman?" That question should be asked of all men. That's why I would preach it as a Men's Day sermon. Rev. Margaret Minnicks Director, The Way of Life www.the-way-of-life.org
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