Prayers for insurance approval/fat prejudice in church
The bariatrics group sent the letter to my insurance company yesterday. Please pray that it gets approved. I am soooooo wanting to get this done.
I was reading the posts about the folks feeling like they are bolder for the Lord since they had surgery. Do you think part of it may be because you feel like people will be more accepting of what you have to say since you lost weight? I feel like the weigh loss will help me not feel like people will reject what I say based on my appearance.
I know that everyone on here can testify to being treated poorly at one time or another because they were fat. I get this even in my church. We are in a Sunday School class where all the other ladies are thin and attractive. I have always been one who makes friends very easily, and I am one of those cheerful huggy people. I find I seldomly get invited to any of their ladies gatherings. If it is something that is announced in class, fine, but they often come into class on Sunday laughing and chatting about the coffee dates and home interior parties they have had and everyone was there but me. I even tried on 3 occasions now to reach out and have parties, and nobody showed up to a single one. Hundreds of dollars of food went into the trash. (Oops, our teacher did come to my husbands 40th birthday party, but he was the only one that did.) We have been in this class for a year and a half so it's not like we are new. We were one of the first couples when this class originally started. Anyhow, I want to change classes but my hubby has become very good friends with the teacher so he refuses to leave. I get so depressed that some Sundays I just can't go and I stay home. I am so afraid I will become bitter, but so far the Lord has been faithful to hear my prayers and keep the enemy from stealing my joy. It is, however, very hurtful to try so hard and just get rejected. Has anyone else been ever treated this way by fellow Christians? It is really throwing me for a loop. I could really use some advice.
In His love,
Hi Sherri, unfortunately some fellow Christians treat one another poorly. But we also need to remember that church is full of imperfect people seeking to learn how to walk in His grace. For better or for worse we may be caught in the middle of this "tug-of-war" for His grace! Since losing over 100 pounds now I have noticed too some people at church treat me differently. Some have made snide remarks that I'm "wasteing away" which isn't true! My Dr. wouldn't allow that!
Anyway I pray to the Lord for "Extra Grace" for you during this time of transition and waiting for WLS approval, that He will give you the most beautiful heart and inner spirit anyone has ever witnessed in your church body! Our God is an awesome God and He didn't make any JUNK! May you bathe yourself in His Word, journal your thoughts, hurts etc. to Him and ask Him to heal those troubling places. May your spirit be sweet and your face glow with His presence and peace that passes ALL understanding.
You know it is funny how Christians (and other religous groups) are the only ones to kick there wounded when they are down. It is so easy to think that we should know better because we are saved. I can only say that we are not perfect, only forgiven. I think that you should just do your best to love everyone inspit of themselves. That is what Jesus would do. He was rejected by His own people and spit on an laughed at. He continued to love them anyway. As Christians we are trying to mold our lives after Christ. I will pray for the people that shun you as I would encourage you to do also. You can help coals on your enemies head by praying for them. Maybe...just maybe...your prayers will be answered and God will change there hearts and there mind. I can tell by your post that you have a careing/loving heart. You just keep on being you and you will be blessed in the long run. Keep the faith!!!!
The Irish Lassie
aka Shannon
[email protected] - e-mail me anytime.
Dear Sister Sherri,
I know exactly how you feel. One church I was in (we have since changed...) went so far as to preach that if you had a weight problem, you were not spiritual and could not hear God speak! Yes, I know gluttony is a sin, but the ground is level at the foot of the cross, and is no worse than the sin of pride, lying, or anything else!!! I will be praying for you that you will be given an extra measure of grace to love these people unconditionally.
"I pray, Father God, that you will use Sherri as a vessel to show your love and that what Satan has attempted to steal, will come back 10 fold. I ask for blessings of peace to fill her heart and home. I thank you, Father, that we can come boldly to your throne of grace and ask whatever we need, and you will hear. Thank you, for giving us your Son as our mediator, and we give you all the glory, honor and praise! In Jesus' Holy name, AMEN! "