(deactivated member)
on 4/23/04 12:42 am - I Do Believe .. I Do I Do .., VA
One Reason You Do Not Get What You Want Delight yourself in the Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. (Psalm 37:4 NIV) There is one simple reason we do not get what we want. We do not get what we want because "we do not know what we want." Let me prove this. If you say you want money, what do you do with it after you get it? You spend it. If you wanted the money, why did you get rid of it? What you wanted was not the money. You wanted what the money could buy. We shouldn't pray for money; that's secondary. We should pray for exactly what we want. For instance, if you need a car, don't pray for money to buy the car. Pray for the car; someone just might give you one. I have known that to happen. If you need money to pay a bill, pray for the bill to be taken care of. Someone just might pay the bill for you or the bill might be cancelled. I have known that to happen. We should pray for the primary thing we want instead of the secondary thing. When you identify specifically what you want as your primary source, then perhaps that thing will gravitate to you through God's divine order. We need to identify EXACTLY what we want. In the above scripture, we are told that God will give us the desires of our heart, but we must first know what we desire. Hidden somewhere in the recesses of our heart are things we truly desire, but we are not sure what those things are. Have you ever thought you wanted a particular mate and years later thanked God that you didn't marry that person? That's because you THOUGHT you wanted that particular person, but in the bottom of your heart you didn't. How many times did a certain job look good to you, but now you see how terrible the job is for the person who has it? Again, you thank God that you were spared from that devastating situation. God knew what your desire was even though you didn't. If you do not know exactly what you want, seek God's opinion. Ask God to reveal your true desires to you through His Spirit. Delight yourself in the Lord; then watch out for the manifestation of those desires. Rev. Margaret Minnicks Director, The Way of Life
gail B.
on 4/24/04 5:38 am - wilmington, DE
Natalie...Thank you for the reading.......very informative...and again I say thanks...Gail Burke
Sherri H.
on 4/24/04 1:51 pm - Bakersfield, CA
Amen sister! I agree totally! I remembering praying for hours that God would get me and my ex-husband back together when we were going through our divorce. Now my ex is mixed up in witchcraft and the Wiccan religion so, needless to say, I am praising Him for His wisdom. I just wish I would have had more faith to accept his leading at the time. Now I am married to a believer and have a wonderful life. I keep trying to remember that when I pray about this surgery I remember to pray the Lord's will in this and not my will. I pray that I am doing it for the right reasons, health not vanity, and I will use the weight loss to glorify Him not me. In His love, Sherri
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