Surgery tomorrow!
Elisha,I will be praying for you .The Lord will give you peace and comfort "I mean he just delivered you from a tornado" Praise God".I love New Carlisle ,we used to camp at Mini Mountain....we still visit occasionally.I will be praying that the lord will bring someone to take care of your lil ones until your mom can come .He is our great provider ,have faith he always covers our needs in one way or another.Bless You and have a totally uneventfull surgery.
My surgery is May 11th right here in Elkhart,we have a support group and it met last Thursday.They are having a fashion show to raise awareness about the surgery and folks with MO. You know my doctors would never check me for PCOS...even tho I have a lot of the symtoms.So I just deal with it...but your right women shouldn't have facial hair it really stinks.
Well God Bless you and Keep you, Angi

Thank-you for your prayer, Angi! Lord Bless you on your upcoming surgery as well! Maybe I can be your Angel if I am up and about by then. Elkhart isn't too far from me, and I know I would have loved to have had an angel, But the Lord is watching over me, so I am serene.
PCOS is another subject entirely that I won't go into, LOL! But it did contribute to my being unable to lose weight easily and the infertility and miscarriages I had were (are) horrible. But, hopefully this surgery will relieve some of those problems once the weight comes off.
Keep in touch as your surgery gets nearer.