****New Youth Leaders****

Great for you!! My husband and I have been over the youth in our church for a couple of years now!! WHAT a blessing they are! I love them with every ounce of blood in me!! When God ordains, He sustains! I am hoping to have the surgery soon. I am waiting on my Rheumatologist to okay the surgery and he is on vacation for 3 weeks! AAARRRGHH! But I know its in Gods time, not mine. Please pray for me. And you will be in my prayers too.
Kea Eldreth
North Carolina
Hi Shannon, congratulations on your ministry. I know there will be alot of time, and energy not to mention prayer for those youths. I have 6 kids and I know that they are a handful but such a blessing too. Thank you for praying for me. I will be praying for you and your husband too. Your a blessing. Dee Dee

!!! My DH answered the call to ministry about 6 months ago.. He wasn't sure what the Lord had in mind, but about 3 weeks ago, we both got a strong desire to help the youth in our community. We live in a VERY small town, with a large population of lost children! We started 'Adirondack Teens 4 Jesus' this past wednesday. We were fortunate to use our old church building (The church was just blessed with a new facility ~an old large log cabin, not being used). We had several donations of pool tables, foosball tables, couches, computers, etc. We had about 22 teens come! PRAISE GOD! The majority of them have never stepped foot in a church or heard the Gospel! It was AWESOME to be part of!!
I will pray that your ministry will be blessed!
Good Luck and GOD BLESS!!
In HIS Love,