Carol W.
on 4/17/04 1:18 pm - Alma, MI
I am new to this site. I had been really burdened by my thoughts and anxiety about the surgery and if it was the right thing to do. I prayed about it for about two weeks. Then while at church one Sunday morning I was praying while the preacher was talking. I couldn't even tell you what he was saying. I was so wrapped up in my own prayers. I was praying for the right answer for this surgery. I went back to church on Sunday evening and was praying again and that was the first time that I truly let my worries go and let the dear Lord handle everything. I was prayed over and the Lord started doing his work on me and my process. I thank him for this and pray to him everyday. My life has changed so much since then. I have let the Lord handle all this and it is getting done. My surgery date is May 3, 04. I thank him so much for the wonderful life that I now have and for the even better way of life after the surgery. Thank you all for listening. God Bless everyone of you. You are a blessing in disquise.
Suze C.
on 4/17/04 5:17 pm - Crofton, MD
God Bless you sister! I actually started by praying just for weight loss. I prayed, and prayed, and prayed, I went to the dr. and tried everything we could (supervised diet for almost a yr., thyroid med, diet pills, food journals, exercise journals). Then God led me to this surgery. I was still worried that this was my will and not His. I prayed after my first surgeon consult that He would take this away if this was not His will. His answer: I got approved very quickly and easily. After that, I knew that it was His will. I was so calm and peaceful before surgery. I kept waiting for the fear and anxiety to set in, but it didn't because I was in His hands. I had many people praying for me, laying hands on me, and I was so calm. Praise God, my surgery was 3 days ago, and was also uneventful and calm. I feel that I am in exactly the right place. I will be praying for your surgery to be uneventful, calm and peaceful. God Bless, Suze
Margaret F.
on 4/19/04 1:54 am - (7-07-04)
You have been truely Blessed. I am praying for the same relief. Love in Our Lord, margaret
on 4/22/04 12:56 am - Tallahassee, FL
Hey Carol, I am so glad that you did this post. I too have been wondering if this is the right thing for me to do. I also am praying to find the answer and I know that GOD will give the right answer and that everything is in his will. I have decided to give all the worries and anxieties that I have to him and let him have his way. He knows what is best for us. I don't think that he would have created the life saving surgery if he was not going to protect us when we go through it. He is such a wonderful, loving , kind, faithful, caring GOD. I don;t know where I would be without him. So once again I thank you for sharing and I will be praying for you when you go on your journey. Cathy
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