Prayer Request
Hi Audrey, I'm new to this board, but I wanted you to know that I will be praying for you to get approved. I am going to be in need of prayer pretty soon also. I've done all my testing that I needed, all is left is sending them to the insurance co. Probably next week. We all need to stick together as we are going through the same things. If it's God's will he will allow it to happen. Just give it to Him. Ask and it shall be given.If it's God's will for you to have this surgery then just let him open the windows of Heaven and pour out the blessings. I hope I don't sound weird. But sometimes I think if we don't have the faith that God will do this then he don't because of our unbelief. So Believe that he will do this for you. Bye for now, Dee Dee

Audrey & Dee-Dee,
I will be praying for God will to be done in your lives. I know that sometimes it may feel like you are stepping out of the will of the Father. I know that it was like that for me. My prayer life and quality of prayer was vastly improved while I was waiting on the insurance company to approve me. If you check out my profile you will see how I was denied twice and was going before the review panel because of an exclusion on my policy. It was God that gave me the approval I needed so that I could be healthier. Now the Lord has called both my Husband and myself to head up the youth group at our church. I know that like for me He has something for you to do too. I will be in prayer for both of you. Stay strong in the Lord and take care of you.
Irish Angel Diva
aka Shannon