Hi Everyone
I have been posting on the California boards, but just tonight found the Christian boards. I am so happy!!
I live in Bakersfield CA. I am married with 3 kids and 3 dogs. We just had the Franklin Graham Festival here this past weekend, so I am really riding on a spiritual high. It was awesome to have the priviledge to be a counselor at the festival and assist new babes in Christ who are starting their new journey.
I lost my job 3 weeks ago, but oh the blessings I have recieved! It was totally a GOD thing that I lost that job. I have never had such peace at a time in my life that should have been stressful. I never realized how stressed I was on my job and how it was affecting my health until the Lord got me out of there.
Anyhow, I have my first appointment with the surgeon in 2 days. I am so amped up about it. I want to get this weight off and get my health restored so I can start to do some missionary work. I so have a heart to go overseas and help people who need the Lord. Karen Watson was one of the missionaries killed in Iraq recently and she was from our church. Her life has so inspired me to serve God with all of my being. If she can die for Christ, then surely I can LIVE for him.
Well, I have ranted enough. It is so nice to have brothers and sisters to share this experience down the WLS road with. God bless all of you.
In Him,
What a breathe of fresh air you are. Welcome to the Christian Message Board. I will be in prayer for you as I know that all things are possible through Christ Jesus!!! Keep you chin up and your eyes focused on Him and you can't go wrong. Keep us updated on your progress and future success. Take care of you.
Your sister in Christ,
The Irish Lassie

Hi Sherri, God's blessings as you travel the WLS road! It is exciting and rewarding. It has been such a blessed gift in my life. For the first time in almost 30 years I am now just "overweight" on the BMI scale! Way down from the "Morbid Obesity Scale" of last July 2003! Our Lord is truly an extravagant Gift Giver!