Reading the Bible.
I just wanted to say that how important it is for me and all other Christians to read daily, I'm sure that you do anyway. I read daily and have for years and I love the Lord with ALL OF MY HEART. I really got obsessed with the State Message Board and I was on it for hours daily. I let it take away what was most important to me, reading! I have somehow been misunderstood and I can't go back on the board anymore. I have chalked this up as a learning experience, a very painful one. I should have leaned on him instead of depending on every one on the state message board 100% of the time. Please don't get me wrong, it is a wonderful place. Sometimes we just take each other wrong and get offended. He has always been my best friend and still proves to be. I will ask him to forgive me and I will ask you to please pray for me. I have shed many tears over this and I hope to never offend anyone again. I can't repeat it but just please pray for me to have peace.
I will be upholding you in prayer. I know that in the begining I too spent a lot of time on the Texas Message Board, and the March 2004 Message Board. However, I also use that time to spread scripture out there and the word of God never comes back void. If we hide the word of God in our hearts it is hidden from the lost not the saved. I am sorry that you were so misunderstood on the state message board that you were going to. I know that Jesus spent most of his life being misunderstood. I pray that you are able to go back to your state message board and have a forgiving heart. To show others what the love of God has done for you and to you. You can rise above the problem to be the solution. I will also pray for a peace that surpasses all understanding. I know that the Lord will give that to you because He says He will in His word. He wouldn't say it if it wasn't true. I hope that you are doing better now, and if you need to in the future feel free to e-mail me.
With the love of God in my heart,
The Irish Lassie
[email protected]
Shannon, I was so hoping you would post me back. I thank God for Christians like you. I have been praying and God always answers one way or the other and the peace that surpasses all understanding is words undescribeable. I have noticed you on the board and I always get a warm feeling in my heart. I overreacted in one of my post and the sad thing is I'm a kind person. Satan used my weakness. I know God wanted me to post a scripture a day and I did not ever do it. I read on the Main Message Board where the obesity help would rather you keep your religion to yourself. I know there are others who chose to worship in other ways. Of course, we all believe ours is the right one (WE KNOW IT IS). Please, keep posting the way you do because you sure have been a blessing to me. I'm scared to go back in fear they will not want me there. I will e-mail you soon as I finally have an e-mail address.
: Thanks again Shannon and may God Bless you and the work you do for his Kingdom.
In Christ Love,
[email protected]

The word states that we will be crucified for our belief, just as Jesus was crucified for our sins. Continue the work of God because greater is your reward in heaven. You are an inspiration to me in posting this message because it lets me know that I need to be more about my Father's business. The old saying is "if you are not being bothered by the devil, maybe your following him". Continue to lift up the name of JESUS and keep me in your prayers.