First I must give all of the Praise and Glory to my Lord and Savoiur, Jesus Christ.
Ya'll I have went from having an exclusion on my policy to doing battle with the insurance company. This was actually a blessing ( you are probably going what???) but it did show me where I was lacking in my prayer life. I was denied twice before going to the review panel which was a phone call that last about 9 mins. I was so unsure because they never even asked me any questions after I read my statement. I was informed that the Lord was giving me the desires of my heart on Feb 18th or so. I was approved and I got my date!!!! I have since had my surgery and bless God there where no complications. I have had a speedy recovery and I am doing great! Thank you Jesus!!! I have also lost 17 pounds. I even got my visit from Aunt Flo and I am not in half the pain I use to be in from the cramps. Oh the power of prayer is real, I am soooooo blessed!!!
With the love of God in my heart,
The Irish Lassie

Hi, Shannon I'm so glad that God allowed you to get your surgery. If we seek his face he will answer our prayers. I'm waiting to have surgery. I go see the cardiologist April 8th. to get a medical clearance and then they will send the papers off to insurance. So please pray for me that they don't deny me. I know if it's God's will he will open the door. I'm excited that all went well for you. I'll keep you in my prayers. thanks Dee Dee

Hi Shannon, Congrats on the approval and your new way of life.!! God is so good to us. Now, did you have an exclusion on your policy? If so, maybe you can help me out. I have one on mine. I am trying to get the guts to go to the HR department and see what they can do. I'm just afraid of rejection. Any info you can give me will be appreciated.
Bless you in the name of the Lord,
I did/do have an exclusion on my policy. I made a call to my Husband's HR Department and spoke with the HR Manager. She actually told me that it was not fair to all of the people to choose to keep there weight down to lift the exclusion and have policies go up. They flat refused!
I then took to battle with the insurance company. I keep names of who I talk to and when I talk to them and got extentions. I was told at one point that I would be approved if there was medical neccessity. My medical neccessity was not even taken in to consideration until my panel review. Where I was so scared because they never asked any questions...turns out that it was because they had on rebuttle. I won because they felt that the insurance company mislead me to believe that I would be approved when that was not the case. I believe I won because I put all of my faith and trust in Jesus! Ain't it great the way God uses people and things to work for the good of those who deligantly seek Him.
The Irish Lassie
P.S. I can send you sample letters from my appeal and panel review if you want just e-mail me.