Hi everyone, I would like to introduce myself.

on 3/29/04 6:14 am - WY
My name is Mechelle and I will be having surgery April 16th. I am very excited for this. I know that the Lord has lined up everything for me. Everything has just fallen into place. I am glad that there is a Christian msg board. I would like to be able to go through this with other Christians. Thank you for letting me introduce myself. You all have a blessed day. Love in Chirst Mechelle
on 3/30/04 12:15 am - Irving, TX
Hi Mechelle, Welcome to the Christian board. I'm glad everything has fallen into place for you. I on the other hand have come up against a brick wall (satan). There is an exclusion in my policy that states they don't cover WLS. I am in the process of writing an appeal letter. Please keep in touch with this board.....God's blessings on you today..........Val
on 3/30/04 10:44 pm - WY
Hi Val I am sorry for the exclusion with your policy. I will be praying that your appeal letter will be heard properly and that they will deem this beneficial for you. Have a wonderful day! Mechelle
Carly J
on 3/30/04 8:20 am - southeastern, MI
Praying for you both, Mechelle and Val Carlyce
on 3/30/04 10:45 pm - WY
Thank you Carlyce. Mechelle
Ann N.
on 3/31/04 11:57 am - FL
Good luck Mechelle on your upcoming surgery. God is in the House! He hears all our prayers, the answers may differ, take longer, not be what we want, etc. but He hears and answers them all in His timing which is always right on! I researched for almost two years about WLS and just when I finally decided to get courage to pursue after much prayer, support from my PCP and husband, next thing you know my own home area hospital was opening a brand new bariatric WLS unit! HIS time is always perfect! Welcome!
on 3/31/04 10:51 pm - WY
Hi Ann Wow, guess what? Your story is almost like mine. I had started researching WLS in 1999. I didn't have insurance then and I thought I would go to Mexico to have it done. Then I thought that I would just try another diet, and then another and then another. 2 years ago I got insurance but had kind of forgotten about WLS and was just pursuing another diet. Then I saw where my local hospital was opening up to bariatrics. I went to an informational meeting and the rest is history. I am actually 1 of 3 patients who will be the first with the surgeon and a proctor will be there with him. He is a very capable surgeon and was able to jump right into this doing it Lap. Thank you for your words of encouragement, and the welcome. Mechelle
Ann N.
on 4/2/04 12:05 pm - FL
Cool, I was patient number 8, I think for our new unit, we have a great local WLS support group of this Dr.'s patients. His first patient and myself co-lead the RNY pre & post op education group. All his patients now have to go to one of these meetings before surgery to hear our stories (from the post-ops) and how life will be different for each of us but what we all share in common and can support one another as post-ops! God has provided an avenue to be a witness I never would have thought of.
on 3/31/04 8:55 pm - Lexington, KY
PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!! Hi Mechelle, CONGRATULATIONS on your upcoming surgery. I wish you the best in starting your journey and reaching your weight loss goals. Many Blessings, Marilyn Lexington, KY 3/27/03 (-78lbs) Grand Total Loss: 102lbs.
on 3/31/04 10:53 pm - WY
Marilyn, Thank you for your congrats. You are doing wonderful on your journey, congratulations. Mechelle
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