Prayer Needed

on 2/9/04 4:12 am - Irving, TX
Blessing to all of you. I have a consultation with Dr. Capehart in Dallas this Friday. I have called my insurance company 3 different times to check to see if they pay for WLS. Three times I have gotten a different answer. The first time I just asked if it were covered and was told no. The second time I asked if it were a medical necessity if they covered and she said that she didn't see anything that said they didn't. The third time I was told there was an exclusion in the policy. So please, please pray for me. Thanks to all my sisters and brothers in Christ. Any help and encouragement is greatly appreciated. Thanks, Val
on 2/9/04 10:32 am - Houston, TX
Valerie, I will pray for your insurance issues. My insurance covered surgery with a medical necessity, but the battle took 8 months so DON'T GIVE UP. If you've prayed about this decision and given it over to God, then God's timing will be the perfect timing. Let your doctor submit the insurance paperwork, they are familiar with the ways it needs to be submitted. Also, it helped me to have a contact from HR that I could keep after to follow up on my behalf. If you call on your own, you always get a different person on the phone and it's like starting over. Praying for you, Lisa G
Susette D.
on 2/12/04 8:31 am - Chicago, IL
Woman of God, We know that all things work together for the good of them that love the Lord and that if when we pray and doubt not in our hearts that we can speak to the mountains and they have to move from here. And we speak to that mountain of indesention in that insurance company and command it to be moved in the name of Jesus. That the heart of the king (the decision maker) of that insurance company be turned toward my sister in Christ. And that the favor of the Lord rest rule and abide upon her in the name of Jesus, Amen. It's yours!!! Rev. S. Davis RNY Surgery 8/12/03 ***6 Months Today*** 90 lbs down 45 lbs. to goal weight
on 2/18/04 10:08 pm - Brazoria, TX
Valerie, I will pray for you. I have an exclusion on my policy also. It states that "no surgery to reduce obesity". I was denied twice and had a panel review on 2/13/04. I was starting to believe that it was not in God's will for me to have this surgery. I found out yesterday from my Dr.'s office that I am approve. You could have blown me over with a feather. At my panel review I read my statement and they didn't even have any questions for me. I didn't think that was good at all. I found out that they never even considered (or look at for that much) my medical necessity because they look at your policy first for exclusions. If it had not been for my Lord and Saviour I would not be getting this wonderful new chance at life. I was born in to life. I was reborn 01/2000. I will be getting a new life here on earth that my Heavenly Father has blessed me with. He will bless you too. I can't help but believe that even as I type this note to you that he has already prepared a path for you. Please keep me updated and if you need any sample letters for a guide I will e-mail them to you. God Bless and Take care of you, Shannon
on 2/24/04 4:15 am - Irving, TX
Thanks, That really helps. How long was your total waiting period? Please pray for me. I know that if God did it for you, He can do it for me. God Bless You, Val
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