
Naes Wls J.
on 2/6/04 11:01 pm - NJ
2/7/04 Good morning family, I'm so happy today, Why ? I don't have no idea. But I have a renewed feeling that God is with me. For awhile I've been having mental struggles trying to stay focused on the new me and doing what's right in my everyday life. Keeping God in it and enjoying the new me. It seems like it's a challenge.If you know what I'm trying to say. You know that hymn I'm coming up on the rough side of the mountain, I'm doing my best to make to it in. Lord, Lord I tell ya. since I have loss so much weight, I am struggling with my feelings and thoughts. Not saying I will stray away from God and church, it's been just hard to stay on track to do the right things lately. I will ALWAYS love God and have him in my life. Lord knows I've come a long way. Please pray for me, I feel that God is going to use me in doing his work. But right now I feel confussed and kind of scared about what lays ahead for me. I all of a sudden don't trust me. I know I must go in my secret closet and do some heavy praying. My life is changing and I need God in it to guide me in the right directions. I love the Lord he heard my cry. Take care Love you all.**Hugs**
betty N.
on 2/7/04 5:24 pm - bunnell, FL
Nadine, As long as you keep it real with God it will be ok, he knows you are having trouble in this area, and i think alot of people do once they have been changed, but remember he gave us this gift let us live to enjoy it, now its time to give it back to him. I am affraid that when i get to the stage of looking good that i will have the same thoughts, but i told God no matter what i will serve you as long as you stick by myside and help me not let the enemy take these thoughts and go away with them. I pray that GOD gives you the strength you need to overcome this stronghold and that you will keep your eyes on Jesus and he will get you through.... love betty
Naes Wls J.
on 2/7/04 11:18 pm - NJ
God Bless you Betty, and thanks for your reply. I know God will always be in my heart and life. Because I have surly come down a very long road with him right by my side. I guess the devil thinks he sees a way to shake my faith in God. But God is good and he has always been there for me and my kids. and I'm not one who throws away a good thing. LOL thanks hon, I'm off to church this moment. Take care and God Bless**Hugs**
on 2/8/04 12:09 am - Irving, TX
Blessings Nadine, I was reading your message, and although I have not had the surgery yet, the thoughts have crossed my mind as to what kind of person I would be if I were thin. Lord knows I have not always been saved and He has delivered me from the pit of hell and set my feel on solid ground. We can never trust "me", (our flesh) but we can alway trust the Holy Spirit. I know that if we walk in the Spirit and our minds are already made up as to what we will and will not do, we have a better chance of being right with our Heavenly Father. His mercy is new every morinng. And if we do miss the mark, he is quick to forgive. Repentence can be a beautiful thing. Thank you Jesus. I will pray for you. Many blessings to you my sister. Val Dexter
Naes Wls J.
on 2/8/04 10:40 am - NJ
Thank you hon, What you say is so true. I know I will get through this as long as I keep God in my heart. I have been praying about this and I know he has heard my cry. Praise God. **Hugs**
Misty F.
on 2/8/04 4:39 am - New Market (Huntsville), AL
Nadine, Hi my name is Misty and I am 10 months post op. I have been feeling the same way as you are. I have felt rather self centered and self obsessed since my WLS. I have always struggled with negative feelings about myself, even when I was a kid who was thin. I have always relied on My Savior Jesus Christ to walk me through these self doubts about me. However, Since my WLS I feel good about how I look. I feel much more self confident. I carry myself better so on and so forth. But I now struggle with the question of Who am I? I don't feel the negative feelings about me, but now I kind of feel guilty about this sudden self confidence. Even my friends are noticing and making comments and not always positive ones. Bottom line is Pride getting the best of me? Anyway Nadine I appologize for rambleing on and on.. Let's pray for each other ok.. God Bless You. Your Sister In Christ, Misty
Naes Wls J.
on 2/8/04 10:34 am - NJ
Hi Misty, Congrats on your 10 month journey. I know with God by our side we will surly be alright. These feelings have been invading my thoughts and it seems like I'm being pulled back and forth. I know as I get to goal it will only get worse. But God will surly walk me through these feelings also. Take care and God Bless**Hugs**
on 2/9/04 10:45 pm - Houston, TX
Nadine, I thank God so much for bringing me to this surgery and my prayer is that I will be able to use this gift in some way to help others in the future. I have no idea what that might be, my thoughts are something like working with MO clients at a health spa or doing something with nutrition after WLS...I have absolutely no credentials in these areas, so I don't know why I would be thinking along these lines. I just know I want God to use me through this experience. Thanks for sharing.
Naes Wls J.
on 2/10/04 8:06 am - NJ
Yeah I know, I feel in the long run I too will be doing something to help others also. I went to a funeral today and I tell you the message that was preached really hit me and I came away with strength to do Gods work even more. I feel great right now. I will find my way. God Bless you hon.**Hugs**
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