Please pray 4 me!
I am sending in my appeal letter tomorrow, and would really appreciate any and all prayers on my behalf that the medical review board will overtune it's denial. I know that God is in control and he turns the hearts of the kings, but I still am worried! I try not to worry, and I don't for awhile, but then, BOOM! it's back! I really need this surgery and feel as if it is my last hope!
Here is something that we could all remember, especially me right now!

Dear Genie, I just said a prayer for you that whatever the Lord's will is for you that you accept it with grace and love knowing that in everything he knows what is best for us. Of course it may be that his will is for you to have this great surgery and you will just have to wait and don't let your faith waiver. Love to you and may God Bless you. Sheila