Hello all,
My surgery is scheduled for February 10th but so much has happened since I got my date. My Mom (Virginia) is scheduled for breast surgery, Thursday, January 22nd. The surgeon has told her that she has breast cancer. However, he also said neither the Mammogram nor the Ultra-Sound can confirm it. Please pray that when they go in, they find no cancer. My Son (Mike) has been experiencing pain below his rib cage that radiates to his back. The Doc's uncertain as to it's origin. They did Cat Scan last week. He's waiting results. Please pray that there is nothing abnormal.
My family is obviously under attack and I'm not finished yet. My husband (Sol) is also scheduled for a Cat Scan on Thursday, January 22nd because of pain and tenderness in his abdomin and/or intestinal area. He had 2 major surgeries last spring in this area due to a perforated colon as a result of a routine colonoscopy. Lastly I ask for prayer for myself. I had a mammo a little while back. Last week I got a call, out of the blue, from my Doc asking that I go get compression views of both breast and if necessary an ultra-sound as soon as possible. I'm scheduled for this Friday, January 23rd.
All of these things have popped up within the last 10 days. For all of this to happened at virtually the same time in the same family is a bit rediculous. Unbelieveable! I can't help but feel these things are just attacks from satan. Please pray for my family and myself.
God bless all of you and may He give you all the Peace that surpasses all understanding.
In His service,

Thank you Michelle, it is so good to be able to speak freely about the Lord to people who know and understand. The Lord is faithful and worthy to be praised! Yes, I will update and let everyone know how things are progressing. Thanks again and keep us in your prayers.
May the Lord grant you and yours His Peace which surpasses all understanding. God bless you Michelle!
In His name,
Susan Pierce

Hi Susan:
I will be praying for you and your family. I totally understand where you are coming from, my own family has been heavily under attack for about 5 months now, I sometimes find my faith wavering because it seems as though nothing but trouble surrounds us. I know that God will see us through and use this time to test our metal. Sometimes we just have to look a little more deeply to see the blessings that abound all around us. Just Saturday, my 23 y.o. daughter was in a roll-over accident, she rolled her Tracker over several times, not only did she come out with only a few minor bruises, but the new life within her was not affected either! Praise God, His mercy knows no bounderies and His faithfulness endures throughout our darkest hours.
God Bless and keep you and yours.
With Christian Love,
Sharon B.
Dear have a lot on your plate...but truly there is nothing that you go through that God won't be there.....but here's a little prayer:
Father in the name of Jesus!!!!!I ask you to bless Susan.. with your great and mighty love and peace... cover her with your precious blood along with every family member that is going through also..we thank you for your love and your tender loving care for truly without you we can do nothing... LORD said that when we go through the valley of the shadow of death that you would be there....bless this whole household and all that is connected to them in Jesus precious name I Gail