I'm back
Hi Everyone,
I'm sorry to bother all of you, and I hate to complain because God is so good to me. I need a lot of prayer this week. I've been having the worst gall bladder attack I've ever had, for the past four hours. The pain is intense and constant, and the nausea is also intense, even though I've taken my Zofran. Ironically, today was the original day I was scheduled for the surgery, but my daughter couldn't drive me.
I'm heading to her house to watch the kids for a while, so she can go running. She's training for a half-marathon she plans to run with my son. He's run four so far, and I've seen him in three of them. This will be her first. A half marathon is 13 miles. I've never been able to run more than one city block, so I'm grateful to see two of my grown children involved in regular, intense exercise.
Albert Schweitzer