Prayer for Medication Assistance
Hi Everyone,
Karen, you know about how I am constantly getting procedures done, and as a result, I must go off my Coumadin. Well, in addition to needing the gall bladder surgery, I also need dental work. I applied for help with obtaining generic Lovenox, coz I can't afford $600 every time I need a procedure, and there was a document missing from my original application. I found this out while visiting family in Pennsylvania two weeks ago. So, they sent back all my paperwork, and it was waiting for me when I got home on Monday. I got the paperwork in order, and faxed it this morning. The company has to confirm that I do not have insurance coverage for injectables, before they decide if I'm eligible for assistance. I would really appreciate prayer that this would be processed fast, and that I would be approved. I see the surgeon on the 31st, and have no idea how soon I'll get a surgery date. I plan to call the company on the 30th, in the hopes I'll be approved, and be able to schedule my surgery right away. I desperately need this surgery, and really don't have the money for the med.
Thanks for the prayers.
Albert Schweitzer

Oh I so understand! I 'bout died the first time I had to pay for the lovonox!! Even with my insurance coverage if I buy it local I have to pay $200-$400 for a couple of weeks worth. The only way I can really get a break on it is if I plan surgeries, etc. far enough ahead that I can order it thru mail order then i can get 3 mos. worth for $40, it must just kill the ins. to pay that little for a few thousand dollars worth of drugs. By the way did you get my little package I sent? I know there is also a way to get free or low cost drugs from the manufacturer, that might be an alternative too. My mom used to have a $300 a month drug that she got for free from them for as long as she needed it. Also maybe Salvation Army or Goodwill would have money for things like that. Or even maybe an unspoken love offering thru your church. We've done that a few times at churches I've gone to. The Pastor just announces that there is member of the congregation with unexpectedly high medical needs and any contribution would be appreciated. Of course we don't just hand over cash but make arrangements to pay for whatever is needed. Of course I will still keep praying that this will all work out for you. God bless!
When did you mail the package? Does it require delivery confirmation? I'll check with my post office tomorrow.
Albert Schweitzer