Please keep praying.
I saw a gastroenterologist this week, and he has ordered an endoscopy, but they can't get me in till June 21st. In the meantime, I had an abdominal ultrasound a few weeks ago, and they didn't see any gall stones. My gastro doctor said if I don't have any ulcers, He could order a test to examine my gall bladder closer. In the meantime, I looked up gall bladder symptoms online, and I had all of them on one website. I had my gastric bypass surgery over six years ago, and today was the first time I vomited. I've barely eaten all day, because of constant nausea, dry heaves, and vomiting.
This weekend is my new church's 175th anniversary, and we have several meals and services Saturday and Sunday. Please pray I get to attend it all. I really want to get to know people.
Also, I'll be calling the gastro doctor's office first thing Monday, to be put on a waiting list to try to move my appointment up, coz I don't think I can make it till June 21st.
Albert Schweitzer

Hmmm all I had for testing my GB was an ultra sound and it showed a huge stone and a bunch of sludge. From what I understand even the sludge can cause horrid pain. My pain was all under my right rib cage and it was worse than anything I'd ever had. Sometimes they just have to go by symptoms even if they can't see stones. Maybe explain to him that it is very common for WLS patients to need the GB removed even when no visible signs are present. Good luck to you and hope you get to enjoy all the festivities at church!
The gastro doc isn't ruling out the gall bladder, he said that my gall bladder could still be sick He wants to rule out an ulcer first The other test involves an IV, with dye, so he could observe the gall bladder, liver, etc on some sort of x-ray thing. I'll be honest, I'm hoping it's my gall bladder. I've had ulcers before, but never felt this bad, or had vomiting, and loud belching with all my previous ulcers, including the bleeding ulcer I had back in the early 90's.
The reason I'm hoping it's the gall bladder is because everyone I know who had their's removed felt a whole lot better afterward. I'm sick of this problem. It' been going on, and getting worse, since before I left Pennsylvania. I was having the horrific belching problem for months, starting about a year ago, with the horrible belching and dry heaves, on a regular basis, but not too close together. Since I got here in February, the symptoms' frequency and intensity.
Sorry to go on and on.
Albert Schweitzer