Prayer Needed
I have a prayer need that involves my health and finances. I'm on Coumadin, which means every time I have dental work, or get a cortisone shot, I have to go off it, and go on Lovenox injections. Now that I'm on Medicare, I don't have a Part D prescription plan. I have one from my teachers union, which is great for all the medications I'm on, but bad because it doesn't cover injectables, which is what Lovenox is. Unfortunately, They cost $100 an injection, and I normally 10. I just had a shot in my back last week. I need another in several weeks, plus now I have a cracked tooth, and a crown came out. I am already missing a slew of teeth already. I can't afford crown work with my dental plan, so I'm going to have to find a dentist and see about getting some teeth removed and partials.
I was hoping to start saving for a down payment on a house, but that ain't going to happen anytime soon with all these medical expenses.
Please pray.
Albert Schweitzer

Oh I hear you on both counts! I just broke a tooth and the one next to it is so loose I can wiggle it with my tongue! My dentist wants me to go to the oral surgeon but I can't afford that (like you, no dental) so I sit here with 2 teeth already gone on my right side and now broken and loose teeth. Why is it when we are young and don't need dental we have it yet when we are old and the teeth are wearing out we got nothin'? Just isn't right!
There is a generic for lovonox but it is still expensive. Most pharmacutical places have financial hardship progams. If you contact the manufacturer of lovonox maybe you can get some at a big reduced price. It might take awhile to do but your pharmacist should be able to steer you to the right program. I do fortunately have a drug program so I try to plan ahead then I can get a months worth for $40 instead of $1000. It must just kill them to lose that much money instead of charging me an arm and a leg!
Will be praying all works out for you!