I've kept this secret long enough.
Hi Everyone,
I've been feeling so blessed, I didn't want to focus on some bad news I got a few weeks ago.
I've been having sinus allergy issues for decades, and have had four surgeries, with no relief. Well, now, I've learned the reason is I have MRSA in my sinuses. At my last ENT appointment, I was given instructions on how to treat it, but got sicker. So my doctor ordered a an antibiotic compound which has to be squirt in my nose. It takes forever to do it, and it wasn't covered by my prescription plan, and wasn't cheap, at a time of the month when I'm broke.
I've told one other Christian forum, and my sister, so far. I wash my hands, or sanitize them constantly, because I'm constantly blowing my nose. I don't intend to share with many more people.
Albert Schweitzer

I had it in my lungs and was in the hospital for a week being pumped with prednisone and super strong antibiotics so I know what you are going thru. I did get rid of it but it took some really strong antibiotics to do it. I also have or had a MAC virus for awhile but that seems to be settled down too. My doc said if they didn't settle down I would have to do 18-24 mos of several really strong antibiotics, wasn't looking forward to that so glad it settled down! I hope this nose spray does the trick for you it's definately no fun to have.