A few weeks ago I ask for prayer for my daughter, Sarah, she was in a deep depression, overdosed, really in bad shape.
Well PRAISE GOD Sarah gave her life to Jesus on week ago this past Sun. Sarah is like a new person. She is very happy in the Lord well so is her family. Sarah was babtized that same day. Thank u all for praying. Thank u Jesus for answering.
God Bless
Hi Evie,
Praise the Lord. That is awesome news. I am thrilleed for you, and your daughter.
I know my heart's desire is that my sons would return to the Lord. They are professed Atheists. They both accepted Christ in as young children, and wer active in children's and youth activities at church growing up.
I know you're happy. I'll pray for her.
Albert Schweitzer

Hello , the battle is already won early youth you messed around and planted a seed here in these boys lives ..It is the enemy job to keep anyone that he think he can down ..BUT it's gonna take much prayer from the believer of CHRIST (you) .. to nourish that seed that was planted at early youth , to open up there eyes again . I am not where I should be but I always say to SATAN ..NO WEAPON FORMED AGAINST SHALL PROSPER !! be Blessed
T. Schiele
Hi Thank you very much.
Don't worry I have found out the ones that say they are Atheists are the first ones when something happens, they ask for prayer. It mostly is just big talk. Just stand on God's word, he does not lie. Your sons will come back to God, that is what the word tells us so stand on it. Act as if you never heard them say they don't believe in God, you will see a difference, Just keep praying and believing the bible. In Jesus name.
God Bless
Praise the Lord that is awesome!! My daughter is pagen so I totally understand where you ladies are coming from. My granddaughter was using meth and and came to live with us, one of the conditions was she go to church with us. She was glad to since she had gone since a little one. One of her first visits she asked to be rebaptized because now she truly understood what she was doing. She has been clean now for 7 years and still goes to church, she found one she loves that is more contemporary and closer. So I see God working in her all the time. Like the rest of us she's not perfect but she tries her best. One day I know my daughter will come back too!
PRAISE GOD. Wow, 7 yrs. Thank the Lord. This makes both of my daughters that has gave there live to the Lord. I only have 2 girls. Sarah is new and still needs a lot of prower, but don' we all. mLike I said stand on the word of God for your daughter, it will come to pass his word tells us so.
God Blss