I'm home!
I could have sworn I replied to this post yesterday. Hmmm. OH is testing my patience.
I was't on my computer much ove the weekend. First I was helping my daughter price Isabel's old clothes for a Mom-2-Mom sale. Then, I was working in my basement, and that was so discouraging. Plus, I have no energy due to my pitiful iron levels. I spent most of today getting a huge IV iron infusion. Between the pre-medication and the iron infusion, I was at my hematologist's office from 8:30 till 3:00. It was a huge bag of iron. Back in Pennsylvania, I would get 5 small infusions, one a week. Here, they do two big ones, which take longer to get. The good news is, I'm in a private room, with a LaZBoy recliner, and my own TV to watch. Back in PA, I was in a large, open room, with a lot of other patients, mostly chemotherapy patients. No privacy, and there were two TV monitors, only on ABC network. I prefer a private room, where nobody knows my business.
Did I tell you about my basement being flooded with raw sewage, destroying a lot of my belongings? I spoke with the city's insurance person, and I won't be getting any money for my damaged property. The cause of the back-up was not the city's fault. There was a blockage in the city's line, and it backed up raw sewage into my basement.
I'm exhausted. It usually takes a few days to feel better after an iron infusion. Plus, I was going to take Utley for a walk, when it started to rain, and that was it, because it turned into a full blown thunderstorm fast.
Night Night.
Albert Schweitzer

Oh my you've had quite a week. I would think the city would still be responsible since they were the cause of damage. That's such a shame to lose what few belongings you have. Sure hope the iron helps there's nothing worse than feeling worn out all the time. I'm doing better but still weak, this bout really kicked my butt. I'm praying they will OK me for portable oxygen when I go to the docs today so I can get around better. You take care and hope you get a big burst of energy soon!