Good Morning Karen,
I typed a long reply on Tuesday night, and lost it when I hit Submit. Argh! I told OH about it.
My reply was even a story about my mentor in Pennsylvania, who is now with Jesus, and how she was such a role model to me, without even knowing it, on how to handle serious illness with joy and peace. She fought cancer with those two Fruit of the Spirit extremely evident. She gave a testimony of how she believed the Lord had allowed her cancer to return, in her lungs and brain, because she was to be a missionary to all of the medical professionals she encountered in her treatment.
She gave this testimony on Mothers Day, just months before she went home to heaven, I remember praying for that same joy and peace when dealing with any illnesses, BEFORE I went on Disability. Well, after last year's horrible fall, surgeries, and pain from it all, I can say He gave that joy and peace to me. A woman at church sent me a card, sharing how I encouraged her when I shared how God had worked in my life while I dealt with everything.
I will share more of what God is up to later today.
Sending hugs and prayers,
Albert Schweitzer

Thanks Trish I needed this today! I'm getting (letting myself) stress about getting O2 to get home with and just from being tired of being in the hospital. I bounce between believing in God to handle it all and the Arrggg satan keeps trying to put in my head. I just have to let myself lean back on the Lord's loving arms to bring me peace and calm! So thanks for the reminder my friend!!! Look forward to your further post, sounds intresting!