My turn
I have a prayer request too, I have COPD and my lungs are all congested. I just started on some prednisone and sent in a sputum sample for culture. I'm just so tired of being sick all the time and to top it off hubby is having prostate issues and going in for biopsy in a few weeks so I need to be able to help him for a change. He's always there for me in all my illnesses and I need to be healthy enough to help him now. Plus it's sooo scary to have trouble breathing, you feel like you are gonna drown or suffocate. So friends I need your prayers for strength and courage and for healing. Thanking you in advance!
Sorry it took me so long to reply. Now that baseball season is here, my laptop is used to watch my Phillies games online. Plus, I am barely home some days.
I'll definitely be praying fo you. I only have asthma, but understand what it feels to not be able to breath. Hope you're feeling better soon, and that you husband's biopsy is benign.
Albert Schweitzer