Guess What! Another Prayer Request
It's me again. I'm beginning to find my chronic health issues humorous, However, I have a new one. Yippee! Last week, I started having severe pain under my right ribcage. Saw a doc at an urgent care office, and they think it's my gall bladder. I can't get an ultrasound till Thursday, so I'd appreciate prayer that the ultrasound would clearly show the problem, and that I'd have peace with whatever has to be done. I'm dealing with entirely new doctors, so this is all happening a little too fast for me. Plus, I have to get reapproved to get a very important medication for free before any possible surgery is scheduled.
God must think I'm stronger than I think I am. Plus, if this happened back home, in PA, I'd have no anxiety. I trusted all my doctors back there. I don't know my doctors here. I must totally trust God is in 100% control of this situation, because I'm not confident with the humans handling this issue with me.
Albert Schweitzer

I have to giggle, between you and me we keep God busy full time! Yep does sound very much like gall bladder. I had mine out a couple of years ago and it wasn't really a bad surgery as surgeries go. I had one the size of a golf ball and it was really painful but had immediate relief once it was out. Prayers that it will be very evident and they can get it removed ASAP.