Please continue to pray
I'd appreciate continued prayer for my health. Since moving, I've had three sinus infections. I've only been here for five weeks. Plus, I had one at my sister's in January. I see a new ENT doctor this morning.
Plus, I've not been happy with the first two doctors I've met so far, a hematologist and a family doctor. I confess that I was spoiled by the superb doctors I had back in Pennsylvania. I just never expected the doctors here to be so different in the way they do things.
In addition to the ENT, hematologist, and family doctor, I also need to see a weight loss surgeon, and a pain specialist. Eventually, I need to see a psychiatrist and a psychotherapist, I'm just not rushing to see those last two just yet.
The health issues I'm dealing with are chronic and ongoing, and won't go away I have to accept that part of my life. I just loved my docs back in Pennsylvania and didn't expect it to be this hard to find docs here in Michigan,
Albert Schweitzer

Oh finding a new doc is such a pain I can't imagine having to find more than one! My dear favorite doc that I've had for the last 6 yrs closed his practice and I had to find a new one. I was sooo fortunate that the clinic my pulmonary doc is at opened a branch right here in my little town so I checked there and found a great doc who had no problem continuing my pain meds (that was my biggest fear) just had to meet with her and sign a pain contract. I have no problem doing that, I've never been tempted to over use or abuse any of my pain meds. I pray you have the same good luck I did and find docs you can feel happy with!