Another Prayer Request
I need prayer to get all the packing done by the time I move. Plus, I am serving Christmas dinner here. Also, I've asked my assistant pastor to see if he could get me some volunteers. I haven't heard back from him.
Albert Schweitzer

I'm sure it will all fall into place but it is stressful when you don't know for sure! I sure hope you are using paper plates for Christmas dinner so you don't have to wait till last minute to get that packed! Concentrate on the big items, you can always mail smaller boxes to yourself if needed. That's what my daughter did when they spent the summer here, she knew it wouldn't all fit in the car with them. Best of luck on your move and be sure to send me your new addy! God bless!!!!
I know it will all work out. God took care of everything when I moved from upstairs to here. He always does take care of me.
I believe I sent you my new address in a Christmas card you should probably get today, or tomorrow. Monday at the latest I hope. I mailed it Wednesday, and my c , who lives right near me, got it on Thursday. She lives in the next town over. I sent you a Chrsitmasg with a pic of me with the grandchildren and Mom. Let me know if you don't get it,or
Hugs and love,
Albert Schweitzer

Almost forgot. I am using Chinet plastic dishes for Christmas dinner. Most of my dishes and glasses are packed, thanks to two friends from church. I asked that they leave me two of everything in the dishes and glasses, and certain pots and pans. These two lovely ladies blitzed my kitchen in about an hour, making sure they used plenty of newspaper to cushion the dishes. I bought extra Chinet plates so that right after Christmas, I can pack the rest of the kitchen, and use disposable plates till the move, which is the weekend after Christmas.
Albert Schweitzer