A prayer answered
Well, one of my concerns about moving was my lease. When I moved from upstairs to this apartment, I signed a new lease, but failed to get a copy of it. So, yesterday, I asked my landlady to send me a copy via e-mail. I got it today, and guess what! My lease ends at the first of the year, to be renewed each year, unless I end it, giving them 30 days notice. So, I called the claims rep at the insurance company and left her a voicemail explaining the urgency of needing to know the settlement offer before December 1st if I'm going to be able to move. Please pray this happens.
The praise is that I got the funniest e-mail from my sister called Public Dog Shaming. You know how a lot of parents are taking their wayward kids and making them hold a sign telling the wrong they have committed and making them stand with it in a very public place to tell the world. Well, it seems a lot of dog owners are doing the same thing with their dogs and then snapping a picture of it. Karen, message me on Facebook with your e-mail address and I'll send it to you. I laughed so hard I cried, and couldn't stop. I could see my Utley doing a lot of those things. I give praise that God created these creatures that give so many people so much joy.
It seems things are falling into place concerning the move, but I still can't stop the panic attacks. I've always had a lot of anxiety, since I was a little girl. There was a lot of abandonment when I was a baby, and trauma from as far back as I can remember. Throughout my childhood, we kids would be awakened by the sound of my parents fighting with my father drunk and mean to my Mom, and Mom screaming and crying. God has healed me so much from that, I rarely get panic attacks. Except things like this. In addition to hosting Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners, my daughter wants an answer next week. When things are under my control, I don't get anxious. When I have to answer to one of my children, especially about something of this magnitude, and I don't have the answers according to my child's timetable, I panic. They've had this house sitting empty a while, and they're paying the mortgage on it, which they really can't afford right now since my daughter's not working this year. Also, they are paying a small fortune for medical insurance for the family, because there is a 6 month waiting list for the federally funded CHIP program in Michigan.
I'll keep you posted as things transpire.
Albert Schweitzer

I know panic attacks can be awful, poor grand daughter used to get them really bad after her daughter's daddy committed suicide. I used to have to make her just STOP and slow her breathing down and just kinda talk her down. Get her to breath nice and slow, in through the nose and out thru the mouth to the count of 5. That helped her calm down and get her breathing under control. She does really well now but it's been 4 years to get there.
I've seen a few of the dog shaming posts and they are funny except I feel sorry for the poor doggies even tho I KNOW they don't have a clue what's going on. I'll send you my e-mail in a bit, gotta check my turkey! Have a blessed Thanksgiving!