Many praises
I was thinking yesterday of how blessed my husband and I are. We have been married 44 years, today, and the last 15 have been wonderful. He is bipolar so we had a rough time until we knew what we were dealing with and he found a dear Christian psychiatrist to get his meds in good order.
Our grandson, Andrew and his sister Alexandra accepted Christ when he was 4 and she was 6.
He rededicated himself to Christ last year at the harvest festival we hold at our church every halloween. He is 12 now.
Our other 12 year old grandson accepted Christ in the summer of 2011 while we were on a camping trip with him and his brother. Jake also rededicated himself at that same fall festival.
While on the camping trip our 8 year old grandson was witnessed to by his brother, Jake. Jake told him he had better ask Jesus into his heart or he was going to Hell on a stick. Don't know where he got that one. Ethan accepted Christ, then I explained things better.
Ethan then rededicated himself at that fall festival.
Last spring our 11 1/2 year old grandson< Nathanial, went to church with us. I sensed him losing his attention so I started writing him little notes. The first one said "Do you know that you are a sinner?" He answered "yes". I went on to give him the plan of salvation a little at a time. I was missing the message too. Finally I asked him was he going to heaven to see his mommy when he died? Our daughter passed away suddenly in 2007, he was 6 at the time. He replied that he didn't know. I asked him if he wanted to be sure and he said "yes". At the invitation we went forward and told our pastor that he wanted to ask Jesus into his heart. The youth pastor then took him into a room and laid it all out again and Nathanial seemed to understand quite well and then prayed the prayer of salvation. The first thing he did was to run out to the car where grandpa was (he wasn't feeling well so he went out early) and tell him that he "got saved". As soon as we got home he called his uncle and then his dad. It was a thrilling day for all of us.
Pray for the rest of our grandchildren, Victoria, 17, Ethan and Jakes sister. David, 16, Nathanials brother and the other son of our daughter in heaven. Alexandra that she would be sure in her salvation. Aric, 7, Alex and Andrews little brother, and BobBob, 4, their other little brother. It is our prayer that each of these blessings be saved. Also, pray for our 2 daughters that they would come back to the Lord. All 4 of our children accepted Christ but the 3 girls wandered as adults but Cheri had re- dedicated herself before she died. Then, and here is the biggie, pray for my Father. He is 84, and refuses to think about the afterlife. All in our family that have accepted Christ confronted him after Thanksgiving dinner 4 years ago and he was not responsive. My sister has tried talking to him on several occasions. I have talked to him but he changes the subject. A nurse that goes to our church tried when he was hospitalized this summer. Not responsive and changed the subject repeatedly. To have him die unsaved would be devastating and we don't know how we could live knowing that. We have one brother that is anti-Christianity, too.
I appreciate your prayers. I pop in here to read occasionally but never post. I appreciate this forum, too.
That is an amazing story and thank you for sharing it with us!!! Do post more often as you can see it's kinda slow here. I keep trying to get things going but health and other stuff way lay me at times. I guess satan isn't too happy with my behavior! I understand the heartbreak of kids gone astray, our daughter accepted the lord as a teen and now she's into paganism. I do have a grand daughter that was baptised twice in ice cold water. The first time she was about 10 and they used a cattle trough then when she was 16 she asked to be rebaptised because she wasn't sure she really understood it when she was little. So she went in to get baptised again and guess what the heater in the baptismal didn't work so ice cold again! Now that's dedication. Her boyfriend got baptised earlier this year so they are both living for the Lord and go to church every Sunday! That makes grammie very happy. So like you I spend alot of time praying for my kids and grand kids. I'm sure everyone here will be praying for you and the kids. May your life be filled with an abundance of blessings!!!
Hi Sue,
Sorry I haven't gotten back to you sooner than this. I've been sick, and this is my first time checking in here in a while. I was even too sick to post a prayer request.
Praise the Lord for your grandchildren's salvations, and your marriage. My marriage ended after 25 years in 2001. My ex waited for the kids to grow up, and once my youngest turned 18, he moved out. I take responsibility for the problems we had. I wouldn't have lasted 25 months if I had to live with him acting the way I did from day one. Praise God for psychologists and psychiatrists and the right medications.
I'm sorry you lost your daughter at a young age. Praise the Lord she's with Him now. My mother has survived both my brother's deaths, one at age 40, the other at 56, 16 months apart. They were both believers, so we know they are in heaven. I just miss them terribly lately. We're not sure about Mom's spiritual status. I've tried talking to her, but she has always been bipolar, and difficult to talk to about Spiritual matters.
What breaks my heart the most is my two sons turned away from the Lord when my marriage ended. My ex remarried an unbeliever, who gets along very well with everyone. But, they don't have a church, or any such thing in their lives. It's like he broke up with God when he broke up with me.
My daughter and her husband love the Lord. She is raising my three young grandchildren in their Baptist church, where her hubby is a deacon. My granddaughter is five, and last year she did tell me that Jesus died on the cross for our sins. As far as I know, she hasn't made a profession of faith yet. My grandsons are three years and five months old. The three year old does know that there is ONE God, and that God is Three Persons.
I'll be praying for your grandchildren, and daughters and father. I'd appreciate prayer for my family as well.
Albert Schweitzer