Hurricane Sandy
Well, I live right in the path that Hurricane Sandy when she comes onto land. I live about an hour from the Jersey Shore, and she is supposed to make landfall during the night, during a full moon. The borough I live in has declared a state of emergency and all of the schools throughout this region are closed tomorrow. Amtrak has canceled train service throughout the entire Northeast Corridor. New York City's subway system shut down this evening, and so did the transit system where I live. We have been warned since Friday to prepare for long power outages. That means making sure I have plenty of fresh drinking water, batteries for my flashlight, plenty of non-perishable food, and a non-electric can opener. They say I should have a batter powered radio, in case I lose cell service, but I think I'll still be able to access the Internet for storm updates.
The borough council had robocalls made to all of the residents to either read the borough's website or go to the community access channel on my television. They basically informed viewers that due to usual flooding at three key intersections out of the borough for three routes to the local hospital usually flood, so we would need to go a longer, alternate route.
I missed my church's baptism service and a post church luncheon. I was in nursery during the service, and left church immediately afterward to go to a dear friend's daughter's first birthday party. Well, it was no ordinary birthday party. The couple got engaged about two years ago, and had the birthday girl out of wedlock a year ago. They go to my church. There were quite a few people at the party from church, and also friends and family. Well, the couple thanked everyone for being there for Katelyn, and said that she was the best gift both of them could have. Then, they said that the best gift for them to give her for her first birthday would be to get married, right then. Then, they turned to the Pastor, who came over to them and married them. It was such a beautiful, sweet surprise. Nobody, but the groom's parents, was dressed up, not even the bride or groom. She was wearing a casual dress, and he was wearing a polo shirt and jeans. They wrote their own vows, which had both of them choked up. Everyone was so surprised by their announcement that we all cheered, and of course we cheered when Pastor introduced them as husband and wife. What a blessed day.
Albert Schweitzer

My what an awesome birthday present and truly the most important one they could give her!
I'm praying for your safety from Sandy! It would be even more scary coming in the middle of the night like that. Hoping you and Utley come thru safely, well and everyone else for that matter! Sounds like you are all ready and have been thru it before. God bless!!!!