3 John 1:11
"Beloved, do not imitate what is evil, but what is good. He who does good is of God, but he who does evil has not seen God." A very appropriate scripture for today. Remembering 11 years ago like it was yesterday. He who has done evil has not seen God aptly describes the assasines who butchered our innocent citizens and those of other countries as well. They knew nothing of God only pure evil of a mad man. I pray the world never forgets this day and that we always remember those who were sacrificed on this day of madness and that no other country will have to endure what we did.
God bless!
God bless!
Hi Karen,
I've been around, just haven't been in a good place to post a reply.
September 11, 2001: I was teaching fifth grade in Philadelphia. I got an urgent call from my ex pretty soon after the news of the tragedy got to me in the classroom. He had been in Washington for work, the IRS, and had seen the Pentagon on fire from that attack. The government shutdown all business, and sent all travelers home, if they didn't normally work in D.C. He was not able to take the train home, because Amtrak shutdown the Northeast corridor, so he was riding home with a coworker. He could not get his cellphone to work, so he called me on a friend's, and asked me to call all three of my kids to let them know he was safe. They knew he had gone to Washington on business. So, I stopped teaching and called all three of my kids, one in Michigan, one in Illinois, and one in Pittsburgh.
The mayor of Philadelphia shut down the city and sent all city workers home, and ordered the schools to dismiss early. Being the only major city between New York and Washington, he did not want to take any chances of a strike on our city. Businesses sent workers home, and school let out early. I went home and watched the TV, and was sick from the reality of what had happened.
I have since read a very interesting book about that day. It was about a man who was blind, and was working in one of the World Trade Center towers when it wa**** He and his guide dog managed to make their way down the stairs and out onto the street, and get to safety that day. The book was more about his guide dog, and overcoming being blind in our sighted society, but he goes into vivid detail about that day's events.
I happened to be traveling on the New Jersey turnpike the day after the towers fell, and could see where they had stood. There was smoke rising from the rubble, visible across the river. It was very difficult to see that.
Evil is rampant all over the world. If it's not terrorists killing multitudes of people, it's drug dealers shooting innocent bystanders in the crossfire of a drug war. Women are raped daily. Wives, girlfriends and children suffer horrible abused daily. I live outside Philadelphia, where in one year, we had three police officers killed.
I pray daily for my children and grandchildren, to keep them safe from the evil that is everywhere. I have two choices. Trust the Lord for their safety, and care, or worry and lose sleep, and relapse over it. I choose to trust the Lord.
I've been around, just haven't been in a good place to post a reply.
September 11, 2001: I was teaching fifth grade in Philadelphia. I got an urgent call from my ex pretty soon after the news of the tragedy got to me in the classroom. He had been in Washington for work, the IRS, and had seen the Pentagon on fire from that attack. The government shutdown all business, and sent all travelers home, if they didn't normally work in D.C. He was not able to take the train home, because Amtrak shutdown the Northeast corridor, so he was riding home with a coworker. He could not get his cellphone to work, so he called me on a friend's, and asked me to call all three of my kids to let them know he was safe. They knew he had gone to Washington on business. So, I stopped teaching and called all three of my kids, one in Michigan, one in Illinois, and one in Pittsburgh.
The mayor of Philadelphia shut down the city and sent all city workers home, and ordered the schools to dismiss early. Being the only major city between New York and Washington, he did not want to take any chances of a strike on our city. Businesses sent workers home, and school let out early. I went home and watched the TV, and was sick from the reality of what had happened.
I have since read a very interesting book about that day. It was about a man who was blind, and was working in one of the World Trade Center towers when it wa**** He and his guide dog managed to make their way down the stairs and out onto the street, and get to safety that day. The book was more about his guide dog, and overcoming being blind in our sighted society, but he goes into vivid detail about that day's events.
I happened to be traveling on the New Jersey turnpike the day after the towers fell, and could see where they had stood. There was smoke rising from the rubble, visible across the river. It was very difficult to see that.
Evil is rampant all over the world. If it's not terrorists killing multitudes of people, it's drug dealers shooting innocent bystanders in the crossfire of a drug war. Women are raped daily. Wives, girlfriends and children suffer horrible abused daily. I live outside Philadelphia, where in one year, we had three police officers killed.
I pray daily for my children and grandchildren, to keep them safe from the evil that is everywhere. I have two choices. Trust the Lord for their safety, and care, or worry and lose sleep, and relapse over it. I choose to trust the Lord.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

I remember watching hours of tv trying to grasp what I was seeing and waiting for someone to say it was a simulation or a bad movie anything but truth but of course it never came. Even here on the west coast people lost family and friends in the tragedy so it truely had a national and international effect. I never cried then but for the first time the other day I did, I don't know why it took so long but it waas like the reslity finally after all these year**** home.
Oh I pray for my kids, grand kids and great grands aall the time and like you say it sure beats sleepless nights ans stress. There is usually nothing or very little I can do to change whatever it is so I figure God can handle it better anyway! It is soooo important tho to pray for them.
Oh I pray for my kids, grand kids and great grands aall the time and like you say it sure beats sleepless nights ans stress. There is usually nothing or very little I can do to change whatever it is so I figure God can handle it better anyway! It is soooo important tho to pray for them.