John 10:4
"When he brings out his own sheep, he goes before them; and the sheep follow him, for they know his voice." We also know our Shepherd's voice if we have accepted Christ as our personal Savior. While it is easy to tune out to some things in life, we should try to never tune out our Shepherd because He is there for our own good to help us be more like Him. If we tune Him out it opens the door for other voices, like satan and he is just waiting for us to make this mistake. He'll be there waiting to jump in and lead us astray. So make sure you keep tuned in to the correct voice.
God bless!
God bless!
I love this visualization. I had the privilege of operating a petting zoo for several summers while working at a day camp. Sheep are basically followers. They always knew when I was at the gate wtih food. They recognized my voice.
In the ladies Bible study I worked on in the Spring, it was also pointed out that we can't hear our Shepherd's voice if we are not reading His Word. His Word, and the Holy Spirit combine to be His Voice. It's taken me a long time to comprehend that I can't hear Him, if I am not open to hearing Him.
I confess, I am sometimes, all too often, easily distracted. I need to carve out daily times of reading and praying, and am guilty of not giving Him top priority.
In the ladies Bible study I worked on in the Spring, it was also pointed out that we can't hear our Shepherd's voice if we are not reading His Word. His Word, and the Holy Spirit combine to be His Voice. It's taken me a long time to comprehend that I can't hear Him, if I am not open to hearing Him.
I confess, I am sometimes, all too often, easily distracted. I need to carve out daily times of reading and praying, and am guilty of not giving Him top priority.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer