Psalm 100:2

on 8/21/12 6:00 pm - Vancouver, WA
"Serve the Lord with gladness."  It really isn't any more complicated than that. We need to do everything with gladness of heart. Others need to see us serving with joy not grumbling. If we are putting the Lord first we should indeed feel glad and show it.

God bless!
Patricia R.
on 8/21/12 8:36 pm - Perry, MI
Hi Karen,
I recently got involved in three areas of volunteering.  I see two of them as ministries, and one is a passion.  Since the first day of volunteering, I have had such a joy for no specific reason.  It is growing like wildfire, in spite of my financial mess, and physical pain.  When people ask how I am, my reply has been either great, or blessed beyond my wildest comprehenstion.  

The one area I see as ministry is to volunteer a few hours each weekday afternoon at a drug/alcohol agency that offers free services.  Most of our clients are in early recovery, dirt poor, and in need of a job.  They come in looking for help getting on their feet.  

The other place that is ministry to me is a food bank operated by my church.  I just started tonight, and am exhausted.  We provided food for 12 families.  One was just a bachelor living alone.  One was a grandmother who had two adults and 8 grandchildren she was feeding.  I was on my feet in a stuffy room for two solid hours.

The volunteer work that is a passion is doing campaign work for a Democratic candidate for Congress.  She is trying to unseat an incumbant who voted twice to end Medicare as we know it.  While this does not effect me, it does effect many of my friends who will be eligible by the time the changes take effect, if the changes ever pass.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/23/12 2:42 pm - Vancouver, WA
There is nothing like serving and seeing the smile on another's face to bring on a serious bout of joy!
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