
on 8/14/12 2:30 pm - Vancouver, WA
Whine, whine, snivel, snivel!!! I think I'll be AWOL for a few days, seem to have a kidney infection and possible stones and feel like crud. Gonna curl up in my beddie and sleep alot. Be back soon!
Patricia R.
on 8/15/12 5:13 am, edited 8/15/12 5:13 am - Perry, MI
Karen, you poor thing.

I've never had a kidney infection, but I hear they hurt like H***.  You are in my prayers.

Continue to keep me in prayer as well.  My shoulder is still bothering me.  The pain specialist I saw today has ordered an MRI of my neck so he can get a better picture of my possible source of the pain.  

I was supposed to see my ear/nose/throat doc tomorrow, but my referral ran out and my primary is not in the office till tomorrow, and they want 48 hour notice.  This was supposed to be a second post-op visit since my surgery in June.  He's the best doc around, so their next available appointment isn't till September 27th.  Argh!

Also, my right foot is extremely painful, and I need to go back to the podiatrist.  His next appointment isn't till the 23rd.  Double argh!

Hang in there.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/15/12 4:16 pm - Vancouver, WA
Thankfully so far it seems to be just the infection but I did pass stones  twice in the last year and all I can equate it to is natural child birth! The last time I even called the paramedics because it hurt so bad I couldn't breath and couldn't pee at all. They gave me a shot of fentenyl and I guess it relaxed me enough that I passed the stones. I need  be able to catch one somehow so they can analyze it and maybe tell what's causing them. I never had one till last year and would really like to NOT have anymore! Have a CAT scan tomorrow to check for stones, but wow it's supposed to be close to 100 degrees so I'm not looking forward to going out in that but I guess there's not much choice there.

I'll be praying for your ailments too, nothing worse than having to wait so long for an appt. Good luck!
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