1 Thessalinians 4: 17-18

on 8/7/12 7:08 am - Vancouver, WA
"We shall always be with the Lord. Therefore comfort one another with these words."  Jesus has told us "I will always be with you" and "I will never forsake you."  Therefore we can always say "The Lord is my helper. I will not fear!" Isn't that awesome? We need never fear because our Lord is ALWAYS with us. Not just when we are good or when we are having a great life but even more so when life is challenging us. We needn't fear even satan himself because we have Jesus, God's own Son with us, not just sometimes but ALWAYS!!!! How blesseed we are!!!

God bless!
Patricia R.
on 8/7/12 9:23 pm - Perry, MI
 Hi Karen,
It took me a very, very long time before I fully comprehended and believed this Truth from Scripture.  Because of my Mom's mental illness, I was sent to live with friends when I was a baby because Mom had to be hospitalized and Dad had to work.  I vaguely remember being in a crib in their master bedroom.  Then, as a teenager, I was sent away indefinitely, to live with relatives two hours away, because my "lousy behavior" was agitating my sick Mom.  My Dad was told by our family counselor that Mom really needed to be hospitalized.  Mom refused, so the counselor told Dad to send me to live with relatives two hours away.  My lousy behavior was typical teenage rebellion.  I wasn't into boys or drugs, just arguing.  Mom still talks about my teen years as being horrible.  All I did was argue.  Show me a teenager who never argued with a parent, and I'll show you a space alien.

So, needless to say, I had a slew of abandonment fears, even up until my divorce 11 years ago.  I learned throughout the past 35 years that I transferred onto God my feelings about my Mom, especially the abandonment fear.

God bless.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 8/8/12 9:20 am - Vancouver, WA
Ah I too was an arguer, I preferred to call it debating but yep I could argue with the best of them!
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