Acts 3:19

on 7/31/12 2:31 pm - Vancouver, WA
"Repent...that your sins may be blotted out." Isn't that awesome they will be blotted out, not just ignored but eliminated, gone, no longer existing! This is the whole reason for Christ's suffering on the cross, that our sins would be erased because He took them on Himself. What an amazing gift we have been given by our Father!

God bless!
Patricia R.
on 8/1/12 12:38 pm - Perry, MI
 Hi Karen,
Sorry I forgot to check in last night.  I'll try to be more conscientious more often.

You know, it took me a very long time to totally get the reality of God's forgiveness and forgetness before I had peace.  You see, my Mom never lets me forget anything I did wrong as a teenager, or adult.  I learned throughout my journey with the Lord that I perceived God to be a lot like my Mother, unforgiving and mean.  Mom was the dominant figure in my parents' marriage.

Praise God that He gave me a wonderful discipler/mentor who constantly reminded me that the Lord knew all about my sins when He went to the cross, and He loved me so much He let them put the nails in anyway.  I also learned to let the reality of Scripture really sink into my heart.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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