Phillippians 1:12

on 7/30/12 11:17 am - Vancouver, WA
"I want you to know,brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherancce of the gospel." Well I know Trish and I can both relate to this and Im sure others of you can too. We've both been thru unending physical pain situations and multiple surgeries and both of us have shared at least our strengthening from our faith. Even if we haven't actually shared the whole story of becoming a believer we have shared that we can tolerate our pain because of our faith in Christ who has shared more pain than we could ever imagine. Plus as Paul professed during his trials that these things actually furthe the gospel, so when life is looking down and dire just remember what others have gone thru before us. Look for the good that may come from our suffering no matter what type of suffering it is, God can use it to His benefit and glory!

God bless!
Patricia R.
on 7/30/12 1:42 pm - Perry, MI
After being house bound for over two months, during which I was in the hospital for two weeks, and had the most excruciating pain in my leg, and surgery to drain a horrific hematoma, I was able to go to church and share God's goodness throughout it all.  One woman was so moved by what I shared with her, she sent me a note telling me that my story encouraged her a great deal.  I could have easily whined and complained during it all, but I had God's perfect peace, and He strengthened me throughout the entire period.  I'm always trying to glorify God in everything I do.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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