I finally thought to look under this section and so glad I did! I wanted to throw out a general question to everyone, hoping for some feedback.
Even though I am proceeding with this journey and praying all the way along, I still get the odd feeling here and there that "maybe"? this isn't what God would intend - meaning for people to cut/reroute, etc their insides.....I struggle with it a little in terms of how God views it and if it is "okay" to go ahead with this.
Anyone else struggle with this? Any thoughts?
Thanks, and nice to meet you!
Even though I am proceeding with this journey and praying all the way along, I still get the odd feeling here and there that "maybe"? this isn't what God would intend - meaning for people to cut/reroute, etc their insides.....I struggle with it a little in terms of how God views it and if it is "okay" to go ahead with this.
Anyone else struggle with this? Any thoughts?
Thanks, and nice to meet you!
Welcome Kerry! I would venture to guess everyone of us goes thru that and you know what I finally came to realize? That the doubt was coming from satan not from God. God loves us and wants us healthy and happy. He also understands that not all of us can do it without help of some kind,in fact most of us can't. I believe God helped humans come up with these surgeries so we could get the help we need. God wants us to be our best, satan however wants us to stay right where we are, unable to get around or spread God's word because we are so limited in what we can do! I know many, many, many Christian men and women who have gotten their surgery of choice and done wonderful with it. Granted it's merely a tool but if you follow the rules and work your surgery you can get healthy and help to spread God's word more than ever before. So don't let satan fool you, he is the one behind the doubt. So you go for it and get that surgery and show him who's boss!!!!
I hear you....and that's why I continue to proceed until I get a closed door or a giant red flag. God knows me and knows that, at this point, that would be what would be necessary for me to discontinue. I am interested in how people have reconciled their faith with this type of surgery....the word "self-control" always runs through my mind and that I should have it (with God's help of course), I bounce back and forth with how I think about it all the time.........
I prayed about it, and asked God to open doors, or close them, according to His will. The doors opened so rapidly, and I went from first consult to surgery date in exactly three months. I researched and went to support groups enough to get the information I needed. I had perfect peace going into my surgery the day of. My mother and sister were clearly anxious. I was cool as a cucumber.
Trust the Lord to guide you as you prepare to have the surgery. He'll make His will clear for you.
Trust the Lord to guide you as you prepare to have the surgery. He'll make His will clear for you.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer