Counting Blessings
A while back, I started a gratitude list here almost on a daily basis, and let it lapse. I thought I would start it again, to generate an opportunity for everyone to post on the Lord's blessings each day. Doing it always helped me change my perspective on each day, and to see the Lord's hand in our daily lives. Up until I was challenged to do it years ago, I felt isolated from the Lord, feeling He had no interest in what was going on in my day to day life. So, here's mine.
1. I had a blast in Baltimore yesterda, even though my Phillies lost in the 10th inning due to an error. It was a long, hot day. My son got us tickets 17 rows behind the Phillies dugout. This was a belated Mothers Day gift from him. He tries to take me for Mothers Day every year.
2. Even though it was wickedly hot, and we were in the sun all day, I did not get dehydrated, or sick from the heat.
3. Even though I came down with the shingles yesterday, it was not as bad a case as it could have been.
4. Because I came down with the shingles, I had to postpone my surgery, from last Monday to Monday, the 25th. If I had the surgery last week, I would not have been up to going to Baltimore yesterday.
5. I have been able to be more assertive setting boundaries with the woman I am mentoring.
6. Even though I have not been able to exercise as I would like, I was able to walk long distances yesterday, with only mild discomfort when I got home.
7. I am no longer feeling lonely living alone, and I never dreamed I would be able to say that ten years ago when I was going through my divorce.
8. My kids have forgiven me, and include me in their lives, even though my mental health issues caused their childhoods to be chaotic and frightening at times.
9. I have the means to pay for medical insurance, good insurance.
10. I was able to resign from the psych hospital because of my chronic attendance issues because of my health, and my supervisor was totally understanding.
Please share your blessings with us. It took me many years to see these things I listed as from God.
Hugs to all,
1. I had a blast in Baltimore yesterda, even though my Phillies lost in the 10th inning due to an error. It was a long, hot day. My son got us tickets 17 rows behind the Phillies dugout. This was a belated Mothers Day gift from him. He tries to take me for Mothers Day every year.
2. Even though it was wickedly hot, and we were in the sun all day, I did not get dehydrated, or sick from the heat.
3. Even though I came down with the shingles yesterday, it was not as bad a case as it could have been.
4. Because I came down with the shingles, I had to postpone my surgery, from last Monday to Monday, the 25th. If I had the surgery last week, I would not have been up to going to Baltimore yesterday.
5. I have been able to be more assertive setting boundaries with the woman I am mentoring.
6. Even though I have not been able to exercise as I would like, I was able to walk long distances yesterday, with only mild discomfort when I got home.
7. I am no longer feeling lonely living alone, and I never dreamed I would be able to say that ten years ago when I was going through my divorce.
8. My kids have forgiven me, and include me in their lives, even though my mental health issues caused their childhoods to be chaotic and frightening at times.
9. I have the means to pay for medical insurance, good insurance.
10. I was able to resign from the psych hospital because of my chronic attendance issues because of my health, and my supervisor was totally understanding.
Please share your blessings with us. It took me many years to see these things I listed as from God.
Hugs to all,
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer