Revelation 21:3
"God Himself will be with them and be their God." So often we feel sadness for the loss of our loved ones when we should really be happy for them, the sadness is our feeling, they however are basking in God's love. Instead of feeling sad when something reminds us of our departed loved ones we should see it as a chance to share their joy at being in Heaven. I know everytime I make my mom's potato salad I can't help but think of her and miss her, but I also know that she was a believer so she is happy and pain free at last with her Savior. How can I begrudge her that joy by being sad. So when we start to feel sad and at a loss when thinking of our loved ones let's try to remember that they are in eternal bliss and have not a worry in the universe. It helps me to think that way when I look at their death anniversary as "graduation day", they've graduated to the best place in the whole of eternity. They are blessed and sitting at the throne of Almighty God. "The pleasures of earth cannot be compared to the joys of heaven!"
God bless!
Albert Schweitzer