Jonah 4:4
Then the Lord said "Is it right for you to be angry?" Jonah was trying to look good on the outside but still had great anger in his heart. I know even myself at times is more concerened about what I appear to be at church than what I really am in my heart. We all want others especially our church family to think the best of us but are we that concerned with what we show others that may not be Christian? We need to be authentic at all times, be it church family or people at the local grocery store. If God controls us on the inside, we'll be genuine on the outside. If we are just pretending to be righteous and not right hearted we are only fooling ourselves.
Comments anyone? I'm going to try to post a daily thought again on a regular basis, so feel free to throw in you 2 cents.
God bless!
Comments anyone? I'm going to try to post a daily thought again on a regular basis, so feel free to throw in you 2 cents.
God bless!
Hi Karen,
I used to be a Sunday only Christian. I looked good on the outside, and played the part perfectly. BUT< when I got in the car to go home, I was a royal B**** to my husband and kids. Finding the church I am in now helped me become more authentic. But, most importantly, working with the therapist I've been with since 1989, AND, being mentored by the most loving, genuine sister in Christ, really helped me integrate all of the aspects of my personality. Both my therapist and my mentor helped me see just how Big our God is, and how powerful as well. In doing that, I am not the same person at church What also helped me as the 12 Steps of AA.
Thanks for posting this.
I used to be a Sunday only Christian. I looked good on the outside, and played the part perfectly. BUT< when I got in the car to go home, I was a royal B**** to my husband and kids. Finding the church I am in now helped me become more authentic. But, most importantly, working with the therapist I've been with since 1989, AND, being mentored by the most loving, genuine sister in Christ, really helped me integrate all of the aspects of my personality. Both my therapist and my mentor helped me see just how Big our God is, and how powerful as well. In doing that, I am not the same person at church What also helped me as the 12 Steps of AA.
Thanks for posting this.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer