Wonderful day!
Just had to share my awesome day with you all. Grand daughter called last night to see if we were going to church this AM and told her we were. She, her BF, and 2 great grand daughters joined us for church then we all got burgers and went to the park to eat and visit. We had gorgeous weather, which doesn't come often in this neck of the woods. So I just couldn't have asked for a more fantastic day, good visits, good food and learned her BF is getting baptised in a couple of weeks. God is soooo good!
That is great news about your granddaughter's boyfriend being baptized. So glad you had such a nice day.
I had a wonderful two weeks visiting, babysitting, my grandchildren. I also helped my daughter around the house with laundry, dishes, sweeping the floor, and helping to clean the kids' playroom, which was a disaster when we started.
My daughter is still pregnant, and I am on my way home. I have to go home for a number of reasons, and probably won't be in Michigan when the baby arrives. I am okay with that. My daughter was afriad I would be mad at her. I can't get mad at her. She is so stressed about everything right now. Her doctor wants to induce her on Thursday, and she wants to go naturally.
I'd appreciate prayer for her. She started maternity leave on Thursday, and is taking a year off from her teaching job.
That is great news about your granddaughter's boyfriend being baptized. So glad you had such a nice day.
I had a wonderful two weeks visiting, babysitting, my grandchildren. I also helped my daughter around the house with laundry, dishes, sweeping the floor, and helping to clean the kids' playroom, which was a disaster when we started.
My daughter is still pregnant, and I am on my way home. I have to go home for a number of reasons, and probably won't be in Michigan when the baby arrives. I am okay with that. My daughter was afriad I would be mad at her. I can't get mad at her. She is so stressed about everything right now. Her doctor wants to induce her on Thursday, and she wants to go naturally.
I'd appreciate prayer for her. She started maternity leave on Thursday, and is taking a year off from her teaching job.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

Will add her to my prayer list, sounds like she's having a pretty rough time. I hope she'll be able to relax and enjoy her time before the birth. It always baffles me how women can have more than 2 kids, I only had one and it was difficult enough. Can't imagine more than that!
She's lucky to be able to have you come and help her out, not that you don't enjoy every second of it! My grand daughter keeps talking about them all moving to Arizona, I have forbidded it but I don't think that's gonna stop her! Just cause she's 23 she thinks she can do whatever she wants HA not with this gramma!!!
Take care and cecoup from the trip, it's always so good to get home again.