Great Worship Service
This morning, my church had an awesome worship service. We had a great singing time, followed by an interesting sermon on Cain and Abel. I never understood why God rejected Cain's offering till today. It was a grain offering. Scripture says, "Without the shedding of blood, there is no remission of sin." Finally, I get it. Pastor also said something significant. We can choose our choices, but we can't choose our consequences. I certainly have learned that in the past ten years.
After the sermon, we had communion. This time, we did something completely different. The bread was passed out while we sang about the Lord's blood. Then, as the juice was passed, people were encouraged to share how the Lord has worked in their lives in recent weeks. One teen shared how he and a friend were in a play at school. They were praying in the hallway just before the show, and a friend asked if he could pray with them. This is a public high school. Then, a college student shared about an opportunity he had to witness to his classmates at a secular college. Now, several of them are interested in meeting for a time in the Word, hearing the Gospel.
God is so good.
Twice, over the weekend, I had the opportunity to exhort a baby Christian I am mentoring. Yesterday, she confessed to abusing one of her meds, and not taking a seizure med as prescribed. I reminded her that our bodies are the Lord's temple. I also reminded her that if she doesn't take the seizure medication as prescribed, she could die during a seizure from a head injury. If that were to happen, who would be a Christian role model for her unsaved daughters? Then, today, she was saying how she was angry with her husband, and wanted to hurt him. I reminded her what Scripture says about how we are not to sin in our anger, Ephesians 4:26. Then, I reminded her that Jesus died for her husband, who is human and will make mistakes, for the same reasons He died for her. I also told her that love is a choice we make as a marriage goes from the physical attraction of newlyweds, to the challenges of the later years.
After the sermon, we had communion. This time, we did something completely different. The bread was passed out while we sang about the Lord's blood. Then, as the juice was passed, people were encouraged to share how the Lord has worked in their lives in recent weeks. One teen shared how he and a friend were in a play at school. They were praying in the hallway just before the show, and a friend asked if he could pray with them. This is a public high school. Then, a college student shared about an opportunity he had to witness to his classmates at a secular college. Now, several of them are interested in meeting for a time in the Word, hearing the Gospel.
God is so good.
Twice, over the weekend, I had the opportunity to exhort a baby Christian I am mentoring. Yesterday, she confessed to abusing one of her meds, and not taking a seizure med as prescribed. I reminded her that our bodies are the Lord's temple. I also reminded her that if she doesn't take the seizure medication as prescribed, she could die during a seizure from a head injury. If that were to happen, who would be a Christian role model for her unsaved daughters? Then, today, she was saying how she was angry with her husband, and wanted to hurt him. I reminded her what Scripture says about how we are not to sin in our anger, Ephesians 4:26. Then, I reminded her that Jesus died for her husband, who is human and will make mistakes, for the same reasons He died for her. I also told her that love is a choice we make as a marriage goes from the physical attraction of newlyweds, to the challenges of the later years.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer