John 14:3

on 3/14/12 10:07 am - Vancouver, WA
"If I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you unto Myself; that where I am there you may also be."

God is waiting with outstretched arms to "catch" us and usher us into our true home, at the end of life. Life can be risky and it can be discouraging but we can trust our catcher. If we know Jesus Christ as our personal Savior we can be sure to be caught in our Father's loving arms.

God bless!
Patricia R.
on 3/15/12 11:11 am - Perry, MI
Hi Karen,
Sorry I didn't check in yesterday.  I am really sick, and went to the ER Wednesday night.  They found nothing significant, and think I have some sort of respiratory viral syndrome.  I see my doctor Friday.

I like this verse, because it gives me comfort to know that my brothers and father are already residing in their rooms in the mansion that is the Lord's.


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 3/16/12 12:07 pm - Vancouver, WA
So sorry to hear you're sick again or still! We will pray for a speedy recovery! Yes that's so reassuring to know we will see our loved ones again!
on 3/16/12 12:56 am - Grand Prairie, TX
I was meditating on the Lord's return the other day. It helped because I was very down and FULL of anxiety. I just thought to myself that Jesus is coming back and we will be caught up in the cloud with him and that this world and all of it's ups and downs are temporary. We have eternal life and heaven to look forward to, praise God! All of this worry, depression and anixety that overhwelms me is temporary and I have an amazing and strong Father that can comfort me during these times.
"Enjoying my life and the confidence to experience more!
My support system: God, my husband, my family and wonderful friends!! I am so richly blessed and God is a God of second chances and this is one He has blessed me with and I'm not taking it for granted!!! Yeah
on 3/16/12 12:09 pm - Vancouver, WA
So true and He's there for us 24/7 with open and loving arms!
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