What a week so far!
Well as you've noticed I've been AWOL Mon just went by too fast and I didn't even get on here and last night was a trip to the doggie ER at 10PM! My poor little dog got a rawhide chew stuck in her throat and couldn't get it up. Of course it's a 30 mi. drive to the nearest vet open that late. They kept her over night and removed the offending chew (no more for her!) I guess it caused alot of damage and we have to make sure she doesn't develop a stricture down the road. So there went the income tax return! But what else can ya do when your baby is hurtin'? So I'm hoping to get back on track tomorrow.
God less!
God less!
Oh Karen, your poor puppy. I, too, would do anything for my Utley. Problem is, I am not getting a refund this year. I owe the federal government over $4,000, and the state of PA over $1,000. I will be making payments for a long time, between interest and penalties. Oh well, God will provide. I hope your baby gets better.
Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer
Albert Schweitzer

There was alot of prayin' going on in that car, we live at least 30-45 min. from the nearest vet ER. She was getting air but kept choking because all this foamy stuff would clog her up so I'd have to stick my finger down her throat so she'd gag it up (on me of course) but hey I didn't care as long as she could get air. I'd called the vet before we left so they were all ready when we got there. I was just glas to be able to bring her home cause the last 2 dogs we had taken there we had to put down. So it was good to bring one home this time. They are really awesome people and call the animals babies and us mom and dad. I'm so gratedful to know they are there!