Prayer Need

Patricia R.
on 3/2/12 4:54 am - Perry, MI
Hi There,
I am sick with another nasty sinus infection.  Also, I have pain next to my right shoulder blade.  I injured it when I fell in December.  The orthopedist believes I may have pinched a nerve in my neck when my face hit the street, and that nerve radiates down to my shoulder blades.  When I was on strong painkillers in the hospital, and a few weeks afterward, it didn't bother me.  But, now it really bothers me.

So, I am sleep deprived big time.  Couldn't sleep with the sinuses acting up and back hurting.  Now, I feel like a zombie.

I would appreciate prayer for the infection and back problem.  I see the ENT for the broken nose and sinuses next week.  My orthopedist wants me to start physical therapy for the back pain.  I can't start physical therapy till the visiting nurse discharges me.

Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 3/2/12 6:56 am - Vancouver, WA
Wow kiddo you're getting as bad as me for mediacal drama!Will pray for healing and an end of pain for you. God bless!
on 3/3/12 4:44 am - Grand Prairie, TX
 Will be praying for you as well
"Enjoying my life and the confidence to experience more!
My support system: God, my husband, my family and wonderful friends!! I am so richly blessed and God is a God of second chances and this is one He has blessed me with and I'm not taking it for granted!!! Yeah
on 3/6/12 7:33 pm
REALIZE Band on 02/02/12
Will be praying for God's healing hand to touch you! Hope you are feeling better soon!!!
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